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Finishing Touches Add Value and Beauty to the Home

What is the difference between a home and a truly beautiful home? The finishing touches.Have you ever walked through a model home or looked at the homes in magazines and wondered, “why doesn’t my home…

Trend Spotting

Our Design Team - Tammi, Bridget and Catherine have been busy trend spotting.Whether you love a modern aesthetic or a more traditional look, there are new trends on the horizon for everyone.Tell us…

Custom Carpentry Work for Distinctive Homes

At Hurst we believe a home should be a reflection of the people that live there. Many of our clients understand the value of having design elements that are completely unique to their home alone.…

Ten Tips for a Backyard that Keeps You Outside

Ten Tips for a Backyard that Keeps You OutsideSadly summer is a fading memory. But don’t pack up the BBQ grills just yet. There is still time to enjoy some relaxing days and nights in your own…

Our Homes Matter

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day; the tasks we all have to get done, and the occasional bumps in the road. Here at Hurst, our tasks might sound like this: How will the angle of this wall…